Monday, January 26, 2015

Walk for Life West Coast 2015

Walk for Life West Coast has been happening annually for the past 11 years in San Francisco. I was fortunate to have participated in two of those, one of the being just last Saturday. It is a beautiful thing where people of all ages, races, religions, and backgrounds gather together and speak with one voice against the evil lie that is Abortion.

*(Baby at only sixteen weeks old in the womb)*
Abortion has always been a problem in our Country (and in others), but it has only been in the last couple of decades where it has really sank its teeth into our daily lives and taken hold of the most precious part of a persons life... its beginning and growth in the womb. 

Terrorist have killed 3,000 Americans since 1990... Abortion has killed 4,000 since YESTERDAY.

 Before the official Walk began, there were many passionate speakers who gave their testimonies in the middle of Civic Plaza in San Francisco.

 Some of the speakers included a zealous Reverend with his large, supportive family... a young girl who was able to have her chemical abortion reversed when she realized the horrible mistake she had made... and a woman who had formally been dating Arrowsmith's Steven Tyler when she was underage and was coerced into aborting their child... 

A total of 50,000 people participated in the walk in San Francisco and 400,000 in Washington D.C. just two days before. Even in the face of hateful adversity from the protestors on the side lines, the people in the Walk (myself and my group included) remained peaceful and unprovocative the whole time. 

I hope this blog post was informative and maybe even inspires you to join us in this noble cause next year... 


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Saturday, January 17, 2015

CAPTIVE teaser!

In honor of the completion of the first round of edits for Captive, I have a picture/quote to share! I will be sharing little things like this with you all the way up until it's released... hopefully sometime later this year.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

WIP - teaser #2

**(WIP = works in progress)
From  Phoenix

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Divergent - by Veronica Roth

One choice can transform you...

Beatrice Prior's society is divided into five factions—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent)...

Beatrice must choose between staying with her Abnegation family and transferring factions. Her choice will shock her community and herself. But the newly christened Tris also has a secret, one she's determined to keep hidden, because in this world, what makes you different makes you dangerous. Supports the Common Core State Standards.

5 out of 5 stars

I've been trying to get around to reading this for a while. I picked it up in the store one time and read a few pages but it didn't capture my interest at all. Then I saw the movie and I enjoyed it so much I decided to give the book a try again. I got a beautiful hardcover copy for Christmas and read it in two days! I don't like books that are written in present tense (*cough* *cough* Hunger Games *cough* *cough*) but the plot and world/character development was so good in this book that I didn't care! I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about the world of DIVERGENT, especially the faction system and what happened in the world beyond futuristic Chicago. But, luckily, there are two more books to satisfy my curiosity! And FOUR! Omg, I'm going to start his book soon and I cannot wait!