Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: Post #4

Here's something new! Every Tuesday I'm going to share with you a picture that showcases a moment from my book, Jazmine. Below it, I'll have a quote that is related to the picture. Hopefully this way ya'll will be able to get inside my head a little and see what Latanica is really like! None of these images (unless otherwise noted) are mine.

                                                      From THE LATANICA SAGA: JAZMINE --

Cloaked in a blanket of hot fog, the craggy peaks of the mountains rose up like protective guardians over Tarius.  The dark shadow at its base stretched out behind us, covering the land that we had already traveled.  The air was deathly still, devoid of the life that belonged to the dawn of a new day.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Unicorn Girl - by M.L. Legette


In a land where magic is feared, magic saved her from death … but it came with a terrible price. Marked forever, she is shunned and isolated by those she loves most.
Brimming with bitter rage at those who abandoned her, Leah flees from her childhood home only to be swept into an impending war: Mora, a wicked witch, has been imprisoned for years, waiting like a spider in the folds of her web for the chance to regain the powers once stripped from her. It is there, while she waits, that she learns of a strange young girl … a girl who can speak to unicorns.
Now Leah must save the country that shuns her, for if Mora returns to power, all will be lost. But can Leah, who is so frightened and confused herself, find the strength to save them all?

5 stars
When I first spotted this book while surfing Amazon I was immediately drawn to the beautiful fantasy/whimsical looking cover (at the time the cover was a colored version done by Mae Jones). After begging my parents I finally got it that winter as a Christmas Eve present. I read almost the entire 400-page book in one night! The characters were realistic and had different personalities, unique and entertaining. And they also had their own faults and failures which added so much depth to this teen fantasy… Leah is a spoiled teenager who lives in a wealthy manor with her father, servants and unbearable tutor. It is when she comes down with the mysterious sleeping sickness that everything changes… Legette does a good job at portraying the stubbornness of teenagers and how they (me included) jump to conclusions too quickly and act rashly on those emotions. Granted, running away from home is a bit extreme but without that drastic decision the story would not have come to life the way it did! As well as Unicorns there are also the mysterious elves, good and bad witches alike and an adorable red-headed rogue you can't help falling in love with. :-) The only thing I would have to complain about are the witches. I grew up taught that there is no such things as "good" witches. But despite my discomfort of that I still enjoyed the good qualities and secret societies of these potion makers. 
So if you are a fan of fantasy, teen heroins, unicorns or just a good book in general… be sure to pick this up! You won't be disappointed. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: Post #3

Here's something new! Every Tuesday I'm going to share with you a picture that showcases a moment from my book, Jazmine. Below it, I'll have a quote that is related to the picture. Hopefully this way ya'll will be able to get inside my head a little and see what Latanica is really like! None of these images (unless otherwise noted) are mine.

                              From THE LATANICA SAGA: JAZMINE --

I stuffed the coins in a pouch at my waist and bolted out the door into the freezing wind outside.  I was instantly chilled to the bone.  I pulled the shawl more closely around my shoulders and hurried to the gates leading outside of the castle.  
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Monday, March 17, 2014

The Day For Green!

St. Patrick's Day is a fun day to eat corn beef and cabbage and dance to folk music, but what a lot of people don't know is that this day is more then pots of gold being guarded by leprechauns and dressing all in green. St. Patrick's Day is actually a feast day for a person that actually lived. Patrick was born in the 5th century to Roman-British parents. As a teenager he was kidnapped by pirates and sold as a slave in Ireland to held herd and tend the sheep. Patrick was able to escape when he was twenty years old and returned home, after which he entered the seminary. After being ordained a priest he returned to the land of his captivity to show the druid oppressed people the truth. St. Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland.

If you would like to learn more about Saint Patrick, click here.

Hope you all have a fun, green-filled day! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: Post #2

Here's something new! Every Tuesday I'm going to share with you a picture that showcases a moment from my book, Jazmine. Below it, I'll have a quote that is related to the picture. Hopefully this way ya'll will be able to get inside my head a little and see what Latanica is really like! None of these images (unless otherwise noted) are mine.

                                                     From THE LATANICA SAGA: JAZMINE --

It was a magnificent scene.  The clear turquoise water touched the sky, kissing it gently as if they were best friends.  The dying sun flashed its brilliant colors upon the water as if a million tiny diamonds were imbedded in the silky sheet of blue.  The gentle waves that caressed the beach were full of power, and the sunset outlaying the horizon was filled with more colors than I could name.  
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: Post #1

Here's something new! Every Tuesday I'm going to share with you a picture that showcases a moment from my book, Jazmine. Below it, I'll have a quote that is related to the picture. Hopefully this way ya'll will be able to get inside my head a little and see what Latanica is really like! None of these images (unless otherwise noted) are mine.

                                                     From THE LATANICA SAGA: JAZMINE --

I wiped a sooty hand across my forehead and sighed as I climbed down from the ladder that I was standing on. I looked up to the hundreds of candles that I had just lit.  Malcus’ banquet hall was a giant room. Pillars of stone lined the walls as did tall windows and dozens of terrifying statues. I could see the sunset starting outside the window, bathing everything in a blood red light. It would be night soon, and then the banquet would start…
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